Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Claim For Dropped Foot Faking Stroke Symptoms?

Faking Stroke Symptoms? - claim for dropped foot

Now, I wonder what has for a member of my years family.A stroke.As his brother suffered as a result, their language is now 2 years old.Prior for his attack against the paralysis and football. He was terminated therapy and all therapists agree that you more.We this person can play their problems in the family of the person sympathy.The is back on old habits, like smoking and drinking, but needs a quad-pipe with each other I will go assistance.She know if it can be wrong to say that it is wrong and wants, if you know the fish.


Anonymous said...

Can return stroke "old habits" and does not necessarily mean that all his motor skills again. Why assume that it is forgery in the first place? Yes, they could be caught if he wanted to put as few, if he claims?

Anonymous said...

Can return stroke "old habits" and does not necessarily mean that all his motor skills again. Why assume that it is forgery in the first place? Yes, they could be caught if he wanted to put as few, if he claims?

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