Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gay Spa Nj If You Won $100,000,000 ......?

If You Won $100,000,000 ......? - gay spa nj

If you are still $ 100,000,000 lottery, what would you do with all that money?
I give my parents and my brother, his fourth. Donations to another room for several churches, organizations and gay and lesbian animal shelters and rescue groups.
The remaining 50 million, which remained in the middle of a savings account and spend the remaining $ 25 million in the same now .......
A brand new Hyundai Tiburon, a Hummer H3, 50 acres built on a mountain in Palestine, and to decorate your dream home amidst 50 acres, bought 3 apartments - one in Cape May, New Jersey, which in Virginia Beach, VA, and in Daytona Beach, FL. I liposuction, LASIK, breast reduction, rhinoplasty, septoplasty, laser hair removal, spa treatments per week.
My friend was able to withdraw Countand I, and you have a registered dietitian and personal trainer.
I want to buy real estate fixer upper house, repair and make available to the homeless at no cost.


Terri said...

You (one breast reduction may be covered by insurance for your data).

I would:

A house, three cars buried in his garage with a pool and sand for volleyball or something.

Two cars (four-door Jeep Wrangler and 57 Bel Air).

My sister pay the mortgage on your house to help my parents' car, from my favorite aunt, her house while her husband is sick.

Go on a long vacation cruise to Alaska, Bahamas, Cruising the Atlantic Ocean, visit to Ireland and Egypt.

Apartment in OBX, vacation in Hawaii and the West Coast.

Make a donation to animal shelters and rescue groups, organizations, gay and lesbian organizations, that these violations and abuse of Planned Parenthood to help.

You can have a tummy tuck.

Put a little moneyapply in an account for the future of my future children (strict rules, as I do about children who have a free ride can imagine!).

Undeveloped land to buy and a park road. Buy more land for a house for animals.

Mystical Illusions said...

I like the idea of housing for the homeless! I always thought that if I win the lottery as one of the first things that can not be bought, I give a lot of cars and buses, to the needy. Of course, it would explode too much, but I'd spend money like candy! I like helping people, but I almost can not help but today so if I had won, it would be given in any case!

:bbq: said...

Party Hardy, and together with my family:)

♥Leandra... said...

wow, u have much planned ... I want to go to the mall =)

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